St Joseph’s is supported entirely by the generous giving of the church family.
God is incredibly generous to us in so many ways – most of all in giving us his precious Son. We in turn are to give generously out of what he has given us – to support the mission of the church and to show radical generosity to those around us.
Regular giving
- We encourage members of the church family to give regularly and generously via our giving scheme. If you’d like to start giving regularly please get in touch with our finance administrator.
- Once you’ve setup your standing order, click here to complete a new donor record and Gift Aid form – If you need a paper form, or have any other questions, please ask Vera Pakpahan (Finance Assistant) by clicking here or call the church office on 0191 337 1490.
Click here to view the St Joseph’s Benwell Church Trust data privacy notice
Regular giving
- Account Name: “Trustees of the Jesmond Trust”
- Sort Code: 30-93-71
- Account Number: 00258445
- Please use the reference: SurnameInitialGIFT (e.g. SmithJGIFT for John Smith) and email to let our finance team know, so they can expect your gift.