I’m New
from St Joseph's Church
We’re glad you’re here. Everyone is welcome – whether you’re looking into Christianity for the first time, or have been a Christian for years, we’d love to welcome you along.
The Bible calls us “not to give up meeting together”. Sundays are our main time of fellowship when we gather together to hear God’s word, sing his praise, pray and encourage one another. There are many calls on our time, but we want to encourage everyone to make Sundays a priority – it’s good for us and helps us to grow in love for God and for one another.
Small Groups
God is incredibly generous to us in so many ways – most of all in giving us his precious Son. We in turn are to give generously out of what he has given us – to support the mission of the church and to show radical generosity to those around us. We encourage members of the church family to give regularly and generously via our giving scheme. You can find more details about how to give here.