Small Groups
Meeting together as a church family on a Sunday is our key time of fellowship, but it’s also important to be part of a smaller fellowship group in order to feel at home at St Joseph’s and to live out what it means to be church family together.
Small groups provide an opportunity to get to know others on a deeper level and to share life together. We study the Bible together, ask honest questions and challenge one another to think, how does this apply to us? What are the implications for our lives? We then spend some time in prayer.
We have various small groups including our ‘midweek groups’, women’s groups and our Middle Eastern group with Farsi and Arabic translation.
Midweek groups meet on a Wednesday night, usually starting at 8pm (or sometimes earlier for a meal beforehand) in homes around the city. Contact Ben Pryke for more details.
Our women’s groups usually meet on a Friday morning at the church, with time for a catch up over a coffee and a Bible study. Contact Fiona Matthews for more details, or check when the groups are on in the calendar and just turn up.
We also have a small group for those from a Middle Eastern background with translation into Farsi and Arabic. The group meets on a Thursday evening for a meal and Bible study together.