World Mission
Mission Partners
At St Joseph’s we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for all people. That is why we are so excited that our church family is full of all different kinds of people!
It is also why we support people and even send people to other parts of the world to share that gospel. Currently we have mission partners in Mozambique, the Balkans and Spain. We aim to support them with prayer, practical and financial support. Pickup a world mission booklet at one of our services to find out how to get involved. For more information about some of their work use the links below:

Chris and Rosy Redfearn
Chris and Rosy Redfearn have been sent out from our very own congregation to work with a church in Valencia, Spain. In Spain only 1% of people are evangelical Christians.

Joe and Sarah Potter
Joe and Sarah Potter live in Mozambique, where Joe is a Bible translation consultant-in-training, working alongside local translators so that people in minority language communities can hear God speak to them in their mother tongue. Joe and Sarah are also very involved in their local church, along with their four sons.
Organisations we support

Anglican International Development
Anglican International Development (A.I.D.) works in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda to transform lives for now and eternity. They run a range of projects through local Christian partners and churches including: microfinance, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), health worker training, Bible training for Church leaders, support for marginalised Christians, agriculture development and education.